Extending Cureo Into Your Brand

The Cureo Platform provides many ways to share your information publicly -- links, social sharing, email, via your brand on your website...  Using our public sharing options allows you to greatly extend your work without using additional tools.

One of the simplest ways to extend into your brand is through our Cureo Web Widgets -- these code snippets seamlessly present public Cureo information onto your website without having to call your webmaster, or allow one more person to log onto your website.  Build Credibility, Gain Efficiencies, Delegate Work, Keep Website Content Fresh.

Our ever-growing list of web widgets includes:

Deploying a widget is as simple as pasting a little HTML code on your website!

Using the widgets above, and your own creativity, there is a nearly limitless opportunity to keep your website current while you do your work in Cureo.  It's even possible to power most of your website.

Advantages of Cureo Widgets

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