Cureo Welcome Widget Common Issues

Welcome Widget Cut Off by Website Header Bar


This is a common issue when the widget is placed on a website on the home page beneath all of the other content. Commonly, the nature of the theme or header styles cause the header to always be above content placed below the header.


  1. Login to your WordPress management.
  2. On the left-hand side click on Plugins
  3. Click the Add New button
  4. In the Search type "header" and hit enter
  5. Click Install Now for the plugin "Head, Footer and Post Injections"
  6. Click "Activate" after it has installed
  7. After it has installed, hover over the left menu settings
  8. Select "Header and Footer"
  9. This next part requires you to dissect the plugin code a bit.
    1. Take a look at the plugin code below. We want to select the highlighted section and cut it out. Save it, for now, we will need it in a bit.
    2. You will end up with the following
    3. Copy that code and paste it into "BEFORE THE </BODY> CLOSING TAG (FOOTER)"
    4. Take the code that we cut earlier and copy it
    5. Paste the cut code into "<HEAD> PAGE SECTION INJECTION" Note: If you want the widget to show on every page, paste it into the "ON EVERY PAGE" section
    6. Your settings should end up looking like the following
    7. Finally, click the save button at the bottom

That's it! You should be able to remove your widget code from the content area of your home page and the welcome widget will no longer be hidden below the header bar.

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