Special Considerations for Organization Admins

    Organization admins are different from other members as they have a special set of rights and responsibilities. When considering the roles of your members, you can learn more about the different permission sets in this article.

    Specific permissions for Organization Administrators are:

    Team Channels – Add, Edit and Delete
    Content – View, Add, Delete, Modify all content types* across all channels
    Members – Add, Modify and Delete across all channels
    • Update organization profile information (including adding and removing other Organization Admins)
    • View File History
    • Check-in files that were checked out by any member
    • View News viewing history

    *Dialogs are the only content type visible only to those who are specifically included in that discussion. No other members, including Organization Admins, can see Dialogs they are not a part of.

    Some special considerations for Organization Administrators:

    • Organization Admins (Org Admin) must be invited as a member of a channel before they can be made an Org Admin. Once the member has been invited, you add them as an Org Admin via the Org Settings.
    • Org Admins do NOT have to be a member of a channel to view and manage content or members. However, an Org Admin will not receive all shared content notifications (events, files, dialogs, etc.) unless they are a member of that channel. For example, if someone is an org admin, but they also manage or are a member of a specific committee, they should be a member of that committee's channel. 
      • NOTE: If the Org Admin created the channel, they were automatically added as a member. They would have to remove themselves as a member if they do not want channel notifications.
    • Admin rights are inherited in any channel to which an Org Admin is added as a member. Removing someone as an Org admin (via the Org Settings) does not remove their individual channel permissions. It does, however, remove their inherited administrative rights. They will also lose access to any channels to which they were not made a member. To confirm and update their new permissions, visit the Membership tab in the member profile. From this tab, you may also remove the member from the organization completely.

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