Using Cureo for Planning an Event
Cureo is a great tool to help you work more efficiently with your event committee. Typically the bulk of these committee members are volunteers, making Cureo the perfect fit.
Create your Group
To get started, set up a new group for your event committee. If you are not an organization administrator, you'll need to ask yours to create the group for you. They can make you an administrator of the group.
Add Files
Once your group is set up, you can start adding files. If this is an event that is done annually, it’s really helpful to upload the previous year’s planning information to give the committee access to history. This might include marketing files, sponsor information, venue contracts, etc.
You can also go ahead and get your current year’s working documents loaded up. If you use collaborative file tools like Dropbox or Google Drive, you can consolidate those into Cureo using that document’s shareable links. This gives your members just one place to look for everything event-related.
Invite your team
Send the team a quick introductory message giving a quick overview of the tool and let them know to keep an eye out for your invitation. Now that you’ve set the stage, invite your committee members to your new channel.
Create meetings and events
Start populating your calendar with upcoming meetings, events, and important milestones.
Set up action items
Important action items can be assigned as tasks. All members can see all task assignments, which helps with accountability and keeps everyone on the same page.
Have discussions with your group
You can use messages to have discussions about decisions that need to be made. Target the entire group or just a few members of your team. All replies, whether from email or your website, feed into Cureo for history.
Share important updates
News is a nice way to share updates along the way, as well as successes and photos after your event.
Rinse and repeat
Once your event is complete and you’d raised a ton of money for your organization, you’ll have a complete history of how you got there. When you are ready to start planning next year’s event simply move the previous year’s files into a new folder, remove any committee members who aren’t participating again and start the process over.